Donate to our Go Fund Me Campaign!

Out of nearly 100 applicants, I was selected along with 20 black entrepreneurs to join the Black upStart Boot Camp. This Boot Camp is for aspiring entrepreneurs who seek to start successful and profitable businesses. In 2012, I started my own retail line in memory of my grandmother Ruby Sampson, who was a seamstress and matriarch of the Sampson family.

In 2016, we'll have a national presence and that's where I need your help! I've been invited to be a vendor at the 2016 New Orleans Natural Hair Expo  which garners more than 700 attendees. In preparation, I applied to the Black upStart to guide me in formulating a business plan, streamlined production method, and pricing strategy. My goal is to not only introduce a great product on the market, but to employ myself and marginalized members of the black community struggling to reintegrate into society. 

Here is my goal: Get 60 people to donate $5 by January 15, 2016.

I've searched for programs like this that would address the unique challenges that black entrepreneurs face in starting a business and raising capital, I believe I've found it. The Black upStart will not only teach me how to form a solid business plan, but also how to capitalize on my idea to the benefit of my community. I need your help in raising $300 to cover the remaining cost of my tuition. Any dollar I raise over that amount will be used to build my product for my business.

The Impact: Between 1998 and 2015 black female-owned business skyrocketed by 322%.

Contribute to the Golden Age of female entrepreneurship. Did you know that female entrepreneurs are more likely to invest in education, family, and community? "In emerging markets, women reinvest 90% of their earnings in their families and communities—which means that investing in women is an investment in our collective future."
--Candida Brush, Forbes

Do you believe in me? I promise I won't let you down.

Please consider contributing to cover my tuition. Thank you so very much for believing in me!    




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{ "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "articleBody": "\nOut of nearly 100 applicants, I was selected along with 20 black entrepreneurs to join the Black upStart Boot Camp. This Boot Camp is for aspiring entrepreneurs who seek to start successful and profitable businesses. In 2012, I started my own retail line in memory of my grandmother Ruby Sampson, who was a seamstress and matriarch of the Sampson family. \n\nIn 2016, we'll have a national presence and that's where I need your help! I've been invited to be a vendor at the 2016 New Orleans Natural Hair Expo  which garners more than 700 attendees. In preparation, I applied to the Black upStart to guide me in formulating a business plan, streamlined production method, and pricing strategy. My goal is to not only introduce a great product on the market, but to employ myself and marginalized members of the black community struggling to reintegrate into society. Here is my goal: Get 60 people to donate $5 by January 15, 2016.I've searched for programs like this that would address the unique challenges that black entrepreneurs face in starting a business and raising capital, I believe I've found it. The Black upStart will not only teach me how to form a solid business plan, but also how to capitalize on my idea to the benefit of my community. I need your help in raising $300 to cover the remaining cost of my tuition. Any dollar I raise over that amount will be used to build my product for my business.The Impact: Between 1998 and 2015 black female-owned business skyrocketed by 322%. Contribute to the Golden Age of female entrepreneurship. Did you know that female entrepreneurs are more likely to invest in education, family, and community? \"In emerging markets, women reinvest 90% of their earnings in their families and communities—which means that investing in women is an investment in our collective future.\" --Candida Brush, ForbesDo you believe in me? I promise I won't let you down.Please consider contributing to cover my tuition. Thank you so very much for believing in me!    \n \n \n\n", "mainEntityOfPage": { "@type": "WebPage", "@id": "https:\/\/" }, "headline": "Donate to our Go Fund Me Campaign!", "datePublished": "2016-01-05T17:00:00Z", "dateCreated": "2016-01-05T16:52:34Z", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Ashley Powdar" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "height": 628, "url": "https:\/\/\/cdn\/shop\/files\/2020_RS_logotype_horz-est_bk_089b184c-e82a-4c00-a51c-999e6348d5c4_1200x.png?v=1614321705", "width": 1200 }, "name": "Ruby Sampson" } }